Lets Learn Basic Computer

Structure of Computer Full Form of Computer C:- CommonO:- OperatingM:- MachineP:- ParticularU:- Use forT:- TechnicalE:- Education andR:- Research Structure of ...
What is paint? Paint is a create drawing on a blank drawing area. Many of the tools in paint use ...
Notepad What is notepad Notepad is a basic text editing program or software. It is most commonly use view or ...
WordPad What is WordPad? WordPad is a basic text editing program or software. You can create documents such as letters, ...
MICROSOFT OFFICE WORD What is MS-Word (Microsoft)? Microsoft Word use to create professional documents, reports, letters, and resumes. Unlike a ...
INSERT TAB Pages Group Cover Page Create a Cover page for ex. Copy, Book etc.Click insert tabCover page Click cover ...
MS Word Mailing Tab Mail Merge Mail merge use to create letter or email message to many peoples ata time ...
Ms Word view tab Views Group Read Mode To read the document in full screen. This mode will show the ...
STARTING WITH MS-EXCEL INTRODUCTION TO EXCEL Excel is a window-based spreadsheet which is a product of Microsoft Corporation. It is ...
INSERT TAB Header & Footer Insert text or picture through header and an also apply to all pages in your ...