Pages Group

Cover Page

Create a Cover page for ex. Copy, Book etc.
Click insert tab
Cover page

  • Click cover page you want to insert
  • Changes cover page contents self-according.

Note:- If you want to create cover page user according.

  • Click insert tab
  •  Text box 
  • Draw text box 
  • Drag in page and insert formatting
  •  Click outline in cover page 
  • Go to insert tab 
  • Cover page 
  • Save selection to cover page 
  • Type cover page name and click ok
Blank Page

Insert a new blank page at the cursor position

  • Insert tab
  • Blank page
Page Break

Start the next page at the cursor position

  • Insert Tab
  • Click line or paragraph
  • Page break

Table Group


Insert or draw a table into the document or page.

  • Table
  • Insert Table
  • Type row and column to insert the table
  • Ok
  • Note: Row counting always top to bottom.
  • Note:- Column counting always left to right.
  • Note:- Any change in table click design and layout tab.

Illustrations Group


Insert a new picture in your document from the file.

  • Click insert tab
  • Click on picture option
  • Find your picture from the computer location
  • Click insert

Note: – Any formatting in picture click format tab use step by step all option.

Clip Art

Insert ClipArt pictures into the document.
For ex. Drawing, movies, sound, animal, Science, flower etc.

  • Click insert tab
  • Click clip art
  • Type picture name in search box then enter
  •  Click on picture you want to insert

Note:- If any clip art picture not find. You connect the internet on your computer then automatic your picture search from the web.


Insert ready-made shapes such as the rectangle and circle, arrows, lines, flowchart, symbol and callouts.

  • Click insert tab
  • Click shapes
  • Choose your shapes for insert the document
  • Drag in your page

 Note: – Any formatting in shapes click format tab use step by step all option.

Smart Art

Insert a smart art graphic to visually communicate information.
Smart art graphics range from graphical list and process diagram to more complex graphics, such as Venn diagrams and organization

  • Click insert tab
  • SmartArt
  • Select your graphical diagram
  • Type Contents

Insert a chart to illustrate and compare data.
For ex. Bar, Pie, Line, Area, and Surface are some of the available types.

  • Click insert tab
  • Chart
  • Select Chart Format (Bar, Pie, Line, Column or Surface)
  • Ok

Note:- Type your contents in excel your chart automatic create in MS word.

Note: – Any change in chart click Design, Format and Layout tab.


Insert a picture of any program than is not minimize to the taskbar.

  • Click Insert tab
  • Screenshot
  • Screen clipping
  • Drag area to insert in MS-word

Links Group


Create a link to a web page, a picture, an email address, or a program.

  • Select text
  • Click insert tab
  • Hyperlink
  • Give the address in address box
  • Ok

Create a bookmark to assign a name to a specific point in a document.

  • Click any text to the add bookmark (for ex. Heading )
  • Insert tab
  • Bookmarks
  • Type your text name (for ex. Heading )
  • Click Add
Note:- add One by one text to add in bookmarks.
Note:- After add text now use bookmark to direct jump on your text or heading.
  • Click bookmark
  •  Select text or heading to direct jump
  •  Click go to

Cross-reference use to insert a picture number, table number etc.
Note: – It is use to only working time.

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INSERT TAB Pages Group Cover Page Create a Cover page for ex. Copy, Book etc.Click insert tabCover page Click cover …
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INSERT TAB Header & Footer Insert text or picture through header and an also apply to all pages in your …