
What is notepad

Notepad is a basic text editing program or software. It is most commonly use view or edits text in notepad. 

Notepad extension is .txt.

How to see Extension?
  • Select File
  • Click right
  • Click properties
  •  See type of file.

For Example

Ms-Paint:-                 .png
Notepad:-                 .txt
WordPad:-                .rtf
Ms-Word:-                .docs
Ms-Excel:-                .xlsx
Ms-Power-Point:-   .ppt

How to start Notepad?
  • Click Start button
  • Click all programs
  •  Click accessories
  •  Click Notepad

File Menu


Create a New Page

  •  File Menu
  •  New

Open an Existing File.

  •  File Menu
  •  Open
  •  Find your file or document
  •  Open

Save a New file or document.

  •  File Menu
  •  Save
  •  Select Location Where you want to save file
  •  Save

Ex. Document, Picture, C Drive, D Drive etc.

Save as

Save as use to alternative name already save document.

  • File Menu
  • Save as
  •  Select Location where you want to save the file
  •  Save

Print your document from the printer.

  • File Menu
  • Print
  • Select Printer
  • Number of Copy
  • Print
Page setup

Set Page Margin.

  • File Menu
  • Page Setup
  • Set Page Margin (Top, Bottom, Left, Right)
  • Ok

Close your file or document after save your data.

  • File Menu
  • Exit

Edit Menu


One step backward or one step forward.

Cut , Copy, Paste

It is use to two way in computer.

For Moving

  • Edit Menu
  • Cut
  • Go to place where you want to move data or file
  • Paste
For Copying
  • Edit Menu
  • Copy
  • Go to place where you want to Copy data or file
  • Paste

Delete any word on your page after select.

  • File Menu
  • Delete

Find text in your document.

  • Click edit menu
  • Click find
  • Type your text in find box
  • Click find next
Find Next
  • Find next word already find text in find option.

Replace any word in your document or file.

  • Click edit menu
  • Click replace
  • Type replace text in find what box
  • Type replacement text in replace with box.
  • Click Replace( Note:- If you want to all change click replace all )
Go to

Direct jump one line to another line.

  • Click edit menu
  • Click go to
  • Type your line number
  • Click go to
Select All

Select all page

Time and Date
  • Insert time and date in your document.

Format Menu


Change font or text Language.

Font style

Change font style.

Font size

 Change font size.

View Menu

Status Bar

Show line or Character.

Help Menu

If you want to any help in notepad click help

Shortcut Key

CTRL+NCreate a New Page.
CTRL+O Open an existing file.
CTRL+S Save a new file.
CTRL+P Print document from the printer.
CTRL+A Select all page.
CTRL+ZCancel the preview action done by the user.
CTRL+X Cut the selected text.
CTRL+ C Copy the selected text.
CTRL+VPaste the text, which is lastly stored in the buffer.
Del/ DeleteDelete the selected text.
CTRL+F Find the word in document.
F3 Find the next word. If it is used find option.
CTRL+H Replace the text.
CTRL+G Go to one line to another line.
F5 Insert the system time and date.
ALT Highlight the menu bar.
F10 Highlight the menu bar.
ALT+ENTER View the properties of object.
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