
What is WordPad?

WordPad is a basic text editing program or software. You can create documents such as letters, reports, lists, and so on. WordPad can include rich formatting and Graphics unlike notepad. WordPad extension is .rtf (Rich Text Formatting).

How to open WordPad?

  • Click start button
  • Click all programs
  • Click accessories
  • Click WordPad

Home Tab

Clipboard group
  • Cut , Copy , Paste
For Moving 
  • Select Text 
  • Cut
  • Go to place where you want to move data or file
  • Paste
For Copying
  • Select Text  
  • Copy  
  • Go to place where you want to Copy data or file  
  • Paste 

Font group

Font Family

Change font or text language.

Font size

Big size selected text.

Grow font

Big size selected text.

Shrink font

Small size selected text.


Bold selected text. ex. ( BOLD )


Italic selected text.t ex. ( Italic )


Underline selected text ex. ( Underline )


Show wrong word ex. ( certifikate )


It is used to top of the selected text. For Example 10th, 12th.

It is used to bottom of the selected text. For Example H2O.
Text highlight color
Highlight the selected text for ex. ( Computer )
Text color

Change color of the selected text for ex. ( Apple, Grapes, Orange )

Paragraph Group

Decrease Indent

Right to left line or paragraph.

Increase Indent

 Left to right line or paragraph.


Create a multiple list.

Line spacing

Space between two line or paragraph.

Text align left

Text left side in page.

Text align center

Text center in page.

Text align right

Text right side in page.


Adjust paragraph in your document.

Insert Group


Insert picture in your document.

  • Click picture
  • Find your picture to insert and click it
  • Click open

Editing Group


Find any words in your document.

  • Click find
  • Type your text in find box
  • Click find next


Replace any word in your document or file.

  • Click replace
  • Type replace text in find what box
  • Find next
  • Type new word in replace with box.
  • Click Replace ( Note:- If you want to all word replace click replace all )
Select All

Select all text , line or paragraph at a time.

Zoom in

Zoom in your page.

  • Click view tab
  • Click Zoom in
Zoom Out

Zoom out your page

  • Click view tab
  • Click Zoom in

Actual size your page.

  • Click view tab
  • Click 100%

Show page margin and set tab stop using rulers.

Status Bar

It is use to show and hide zoom slider and page complete information ex. character, line, paragraph.

Word wrap

It is use to work in window and under rulers.

Measurement Unit

Rulers measurement in cm, in.

WordPad Button

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