Reference Tab

Table of contents group

Table of Contents

Create an index of any Books.

  • First page blank
  • Type chapters (From Second Page) with Heading
  • Go to first page and click on page
  • Reference Tab
  • Table of contents
  • Insert table of contents
  • Select format
  • Ok

For ex.

Add Text

Create a Heading for index creation.
For ex.

  •       Leve 1           Main Heading
  •       Level 2          Sub Heading
  •       Level 3          Sub Heading
Update Table

It is use to update index heading after creating an index.

  • Click on index page
  • Reference tab
  • Update table
  • Update entire table

Footnotes Group

Insert Footnote and Insert Endnote

It is use to show the meaning of any word, you want to give on the word.
Insert Endnote : – End of the Paragraph.
Insert Footnote: – End of the Page.

  • Click on any difficult word last character for give the meaning
  • Choose Insert Endnote or Insert Footnote.
  • Type meaning of word
  • Go to on your word and see your meaning as superscript

Show Notes

Create a source of information by citing the book, article, film or other material it comes from.

  • Reference tab
  • Insert Citation
  • Add new source
  • Select type of source (Ex. Book, Journal Article, Film, Report)
  • Type source details
  • Ok
  • Click Bibliography (Insert source details in page)
  • Click insert Bibliography
  • Your source details inserted in page

Change source format click style box.

Manage Sources

If you want to edit or change source details click Manage Sources.

  • Manage Sources
  • Select Source
  • Click Edit Button
  • Type or Change Source Details
  • ok
Captions Group

Once you have added a caption, you can reference your object anywhere in your document by inserting a cross-reference.

  • Click on object (Figure, table or Heading)
  • Reference tab
  • Insert Caption
  • Select Level and Position
  • Ok
Use Cross-reference
  • Go to place for giving object reference
  • Click cross reference
  • Select Reference type
  • Ok

Index Group

Mark Entry

It is use to creating a dictionary in Ms-word.

  • Type names
  • Select first name
  • Reference tab
  • Mark entry
  • Click mark
  • Select step by step all names click mark
  • Click home tab
  • Click show / hide button (for ex. )
  • Insert tab
  • Take blank page
  • Reference tab
  • Insert index
  • Select format
  • Ok
  • Your dictionary now created
Update index

If you want to update your dictionary after creating a dictionary using mark entry, click Update index.

New Delhi

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