Table of Contents

Ms Word Review tab

Spelling & Grammar

Check spelling and Grammar on the document.

Red Color Underline : –        For spelling mistake
Green Color Underline : –    For Grammar Mistake 

  • Review tab
  • Spelling & Grammar
  • Click Change

Note: – Only one or two character spelling mistake in any word.

Define and Thesaurus

To know the meaning of any word use Define and Thesaurus.

  • Click on any word know the meaning
  • Review tab
  • Click Thesaurus
  • Automatic search word meaning through Define
Word Count

Give the information of the document as a character, word, line, paragraph, page, space

  • Review tab
  • Click Word Count
New Comment

Give the comment of any word.

  • Click on the word for giving the comment
  • Review tab
  • Click New Comment
  • Type comment
  • Comment will be show on the word as superscript

Delete all comment giving on the word in the document.

Preview and Next

See one by one all comment apply on the word in the document.

Show Comments

Show and Hide comments apply on the all word in the document.

Track Change

Change or add anything in your document and if you want to see it later, use Track Change.

  • Click anything in the document
  • Review tab
  • Track Changes option
  • Track Change
  • Change or add text

Note: – Text will be show in different color.

Accept and Reject

It is use to after using the Track Changes.
Accept: – Accept the text using the track changes.
Reject: – Delete the text using the track changes.

  • Click on the text apply track change
  • Review tab
  • Click Accept or reject

Compare two document using compare option.

  • Create new page
  • Work anything
  • Save the file with name day 1
  • Close your document
  • Again open the file Day 1
  • Work anything
  • Save the file with name day 2 using Save as
  • Now Click Review tab
  • Click Compare option
  • Compare
  • Give the original document like Day 1
  • Give the revised document like day 2
  • Ok

Note: – revised document text will be show in different color.


Protect your files and documents with a password, there is no change and deletion of your file.

  • Review tab
  • Protect
  • Restrict formatting and editing
  • Allow only this type of editing in the document
  • Yes, Start Enforcing Protection
  • Type two time password
  • Ok
  • Your document will be protected
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