Table of Contents

Ms Word All Shortcut key

Action Keyboard shortcut
Application window maximize Alt-F10
Application window previous Alt-Shift-F6
Application window restore Alt-F5
AutoFormat Ctrl-Alt-K
AutoText-create Alt-F3
AutoText-insert entry Ctrl-Alt-V
AutoText-insert entry F3
Bold Ctrl-B
Bookmarks Ctrl-Shift-F5
Break-column Ctrl-Shift-Enter
Break-page Ctrl-Enter
Browse a document Ctrl-Alt-Home
Browse next/previous item Ctrl-PgDn/PgUp
Capatilize word shift+f3
Case-All Caps Ctrl-Shift-A
Close Ctrl-F4
Close Ctrl-W
Copy Ctrl + C
Copy formatting Ctrl-Shift-C
Create a nonbreaking hyphen CTRL+HYPHEN
Create a nonbreaking space CTRL+SHIFT+SPACEBAR
Customize a menu Ctrl-Alt =
Customize a shortcut Ctrl-Alt-Num +
Cut Ctrl-X
Date Field Alt-Shift-D
Decrease font size CTRL+SHIFT+<
Dialog box next tabbed section Ctrl-Tab
Dialog box previous tabbed section Ctrl-Shift-Tab
Document window-move Ctrl-F7
Document window-restore Ctrl-F5
Document window-size Ctrl-F8
Drawing-constrain shape to symmetrical Shift-drag
Drawing-draw from center Ctrl-drag
Ellipsis Ctrl-Alt-G
Em Dash Ctrl-Alt-Num -
Endnote Ctrl-Alt-E
Exit application Alt-F4
Fields-display code Shift-F9
Fields-display codes (toggle) Alt-F9
Fields-double-click in field Alt-Shift-F9
Fields-insert blank field Ctrl-F9
Fields-lock a field Ctrl-3
Fields-lock a field Ctrl-F11
Fields-next field F11
Fields-previous field Shift-F11
Fields-unlink a field Ctrl-6
Fields-unlink a field Ctrl-Shift-F9
Fields-unlock a field Ctrl-4
Fields-unlock a field Ctrl-Shift-F11
Fields-update Alt-Shift-U
Fields-update link in source Ctrl-Shift-F7
Fields-update selected field F9
Find Find Ctrl + F
Font Ctrl-D
Font Ctrl-Shift-F
Font grow/shrink 1 pt Ctrl- ] or [
Font next/previous size Ctrl-Shift- >or <
Font Size Ctrl-Shift-P Font Size Ctrl-Shift-P
Footnote Ctrl-Alt-F
Create a new blank documentCtrl + N
Go Back Ctrl-Alt-Z
Go Back Shift-F5
GoTo Ctrl-G
GoTo Next/Previous Paragraph Ctrl-Up/Down
GoTo Next/Previous Word Ctrl-Left/Right
Graphic-crop Shift-drag
Graphic-original proportions Ctrl-click
Hanging indent-decrease Ctrl-Shift-T
Hanging Indent-increase Ctrl-T
Hard hyphen - Ctrl-Shift -
Hard space Hard space
Header/Footer-link to previous Alt-Shift-R
Heading Level 1 Ctrl-Alt-1
Heading Level 2 Ctrl-Alt-2
Heading Level 3 Ctrl-Alt-3
Help F1
Help-Whats This? Shift-F1
Hidden text Ctrl-Shift-H
Hyperlink Ctrl-K
CTRL+SHIFT+> Increase font size
Indent-decrease Ctrl-Shift-M
Indent-increase Ctrl-M
Ctrl-Alt-M Insert Comment
Insert ListNum field Ctrl-Alt-L
Italics Ctrl-I
Justify-Center Ctrl-E
Justify-Full Ctrl-J
Justify-Left Ctrl-L
Justify-Right Ctrl-R
Line-spacing Ctrl-1
Line-spacing 1.5 Ctrl-5
Line-spacing 2 Ctrl-2
List Bullet Style Ctrl-Shift-L
Macros-edit Alt-F8
Macros-view VBA code Alt-F11
Mark-Index entry Alt-Shift-X
Mark-TOA citation Alt-Shift-I
Mark-TOC entry entry Alt-Shift-O
Maximize window Ctrl-F10
Menu Bar F10
Merge-data edit Alt-Shift-E
Merge-field insert Alt-Shift-F
Merge-preview Alt-Shift-K
Merge-to document Alt-Shift-N
Merge-to printer Alt-Shift-M
Microsoft Script Editor Alt-Shift-F11
Microsoft System Info Ctrl-Alt-F1
Move between master/subdocument Ctrl-\
Newline within paragraph Shift-Enter
Next window Ctrl-F6
Nonprinting characters Ctrl-Shift-8
Normal Style Ctrl-Shift-N Ctrl-Shift-N
Open a document Ctrl-O
Open Ctrl + O Opens a saved document
Outlining-collapse Alt-Shift-Num -
Outlining-expand Alt-Shift =
Outlining-expand Alt-Shift-Num +
Outlining-move Alt-Shift-Up/Down
Outlining-promote/demote Alt-Shift-Left/Right
Outlining-Show 1st line Alt-Shift-L
Outlining-Show All Headings Alt-Shift-A
Outlining-Show Heading 1 Alt-Shift-1
Outlining-Show Heading 2 Alt-Shift-2
Outlining-Show Heading 3 Alt-Shift-3
Outlining-Show Heading 4 Alt-Shift-4
Outlining-Show Heading 5 Alt-Shift-5
Outlining-Show Heading 6 Alt-Shift-6
Outlining-Show Heading 7 Alt-Shift-7
Outlining-Show Heading 8 Alt-Shift-8
Outlining-Show Heading 9 Alt-Shift-9
Page number field Alt-Shift-P
Pane-Close Alt-Shift-C
Paragraph Space Above (add/delete 12 pt.)Ctrl-0 Ctrl-0 (zero)
Paste Ctrl-V
Print Ctrl-P
Print Preview Ctrl-Alt-I
Redo the last action CTRL+Y
Remove Character formats Ctrl-Shift-Z
Remove menu item Ctrl-Alt -
Remove Paragraph formats Ctrl-Q
Remove paragraph or character formatting CTRL+SPACEBAR
Repeat the last command Ctrl-Y
Repeat Find Ctrl-Alt-Y
Repeat Find Shift-F4 Repeat Find Shift-F4
Replace Ctrl-H
Revision Marks on/off Ctrl-Shift-E
Save As F12
Save Ctrl-S
Select All Ctrl-A
Selection extended F8
Selection reduced Shift-F8
Shortcut Menu Shift-F10
Small Caps Ctrl-Shift-K
Soft hyphen - Ctrl -
Spelling and Grammar check F7
Spell-It-display next misspelling Alt-F7
Spike-cut to Ctrl-F3
Spike-paste Ctrl-Shift-F3
Split a window Ctrl-Alt-S
Style box Ctrl-Shift-S
Subscript Ctrl =
Symbol Font Ctrl-Shift-Q
Table-remove border lines Ctrl-Alt-U
Table-to column bottom Alt-PgDn
Table-to column top Alt-PgUp
Table-to row beginning Alt-Home
Table-to row end Alt-End
Thesaurus Shift-F7
Time Field Alt-Shift-T
To bottom/top of screen Ctrl-Alt-PgDn/PgUp
Type © Ctrl-Alt-C
Type ® Ctrl-Alt-R
Type ™ Ctrl-Alt-T
underline CTRL+U
Underline-double Ctrl-Shift-D
Underline-word Ctrl-Shift-W
Undo Ctrl-Z
View-Normal Ctrl-Alt-N
View-Outline Ctrl-Alt-O
View-Page Ctrl-Alt-P
Window pane-next F6
Window pane-previous Shift-F6

Structure of Computer Full Form of Computer C:- CommonO:- OperatingM:- MachineP:- ParticularU:- Use forT:- TechnicalE:- Education andR:- Research Structure of …

What is paint? Paint is a create drawing on a blank drawing area. Many of the tools in paint use …

Notepad What is notepad Notepad is a basic text editing program or software. It is most commonly use view or …

WordPad What is WordPad? WordPad is a basic text editing program or software. You can create documents such as letters, …

MICROSOFT OFFICE WORD What is MS-Word (Microsoft)? Microsoft Word use to create professional documents, reports, letters, and resumes. Unlike a …

INSERT TAB Pages Group Cover Page Create a Cover page for ex. Copy, Book etc.Click insert tabCover page Click cover …

MS Word Mailing Tab Mail Merge Mail merge use to create letter or email message to many peoples ata time …

Ms Word view tab Views Group Read Mode To read the document in full screen. This mode will show the …

STARTING WITH MS-EXCEL INTRODUCTION TO EXCEL Excel is a window-based spreadsheet which is a product of Microsoft Corporation. It is …

INSERT TAB Header & Footer Insert text or picture through header and an also apply to all pages in your …