Table of Contents
Components of Python Language
- A Components of Python Language is the smallest element in a program that is meaningful to the computer.
- These Components of Python Language define the structure of the language.
- It is also known as a token of python language.
The five main components (tokens) of 'Python' language are:
- The character set
- The Data types
- Constants
- Variables
- Keywords
The character set
- Any alphabet, digits, or special symbol used to represent information is denoted by character.
- The characters in Pythons are grouped into four categories.
1 | Letters | A – – – Z or a – z |
2 | Digits | 0,1,—-9 |
3 | Special Symbols | -.‟@#%'” &*() _-+ = I\{}[]:;”‘< > , . ? /. |
4 | White spaces | blank space, horizontal tab, carriage return, new line, and form feed. |
The Data types
- The power of a programming language depends, among other things, on the range of different types of data it can handle.
- Data values passed in a program may be of different types.

Note: Each data type will be learned in each different chapter.
Find the Data Type
type() function: using this function get the data type of any object or variable.
y = 15
- Constants are the fixed values that remain unchanged during the execution of a program and are used in assignment statements.
- Variables are the data items whose values may vary during the execution of the program.
Note: Python has no command for declaring a variable.
Rules to defines Variable Names
- A variable can have a short name (like x and y) or a more descriptive name (age, surname, total_volume). Rules for Python variables:
- A variable name must start with a letter or the underscore character
- A variable name cannot start with a number
- A variable name can only contain alpha-numeric characters and underscores (A-z, 0-9, and _ )
- Variable names are case-sensitive (ram, Ram, and RAM are three different variables)
Example to create variable in python
a_var = "NIELITBHU"
_a_var = "NIELITBHU"
avar2 = "NIELITBHU"
- Keywords are the words that have been assigned specific meaning in the context of python language programs.
- Keywords should not be used as variable names to avoid problems.
- There are 35 keywords are found in the python programming language.
and |
continue |
for |
lambda |
try |
as |
def |
from |
nonlocal |
while |
assert |
del |
global |
not |
with |
async |
elif |
if |
or |
yield |
False |
await |
else |
import |
pass |
None |
break |
except |
in |
raise |
True |
class |
finally |
is |
return |