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User NameStartScore
Prajapati Dimpal18:48:17 Jul 19, 202447.5%
nikita_patel13:28:22 Jul 19, 202485%
nikita_patel13:24:01 Jul 19, 202480%
nikita_patel13:11:53 Jul 19, 202457.5%
hiralpatel28012313:09:59 Jul 19, 202482.5%
yogini13:07:59 Jul 19, 202437.5%
hiralpatel28012312:48:40 Jul 19, 202482.5%
nikitaaminpatel@gmail.com12:30:20 Jul 19, 202460%
nikita_patel12:34:39 Jul 19, 202445%
Nirbhaykumar A patel12:15:22 Jul 19, 202450%
hiralpatel28012312:11:41 Jul 19, 202462.5%
Roshani Shah12:23:10 Jun 24, 202472.5%
singhrubi13:20:10 Jun 20, 202497.5%
singhrubi13:14:44 Jun 20, 202480%
singhrubi13:07:52 Jun 20, 202437.5%
SONI11:05:32 Jun 18, 202495%
pawar.avinash000710:48:13 Jun 18, 2024100%
SONI10:49:37 Jun 18, 202450%
Manisha Thakur10:46:46 Jun 18, 202482.5%
Sandhya Maganbhai Bhanvar16:28:37 Jun 17, 202470%
pawar.avinash000710:28:26 Jun 18, 202465%
Roshani Shah10:29:20 Jun 18, 202470%
Anjali Patel09:50:33 Jun 18, 202462.5%
Manisha Thakur12:01:18 Jun 14, 202472.5%
Darshanika Nikuliya11:54:55 Jun 14, 202450%
Sandhya Maganbhai Bhanvar17:41:50 Jun 13, 202450%
akanshabhurkud101@gmail.com11:34:38 Jun 14, 202480%
Roshani Shah11:08:33 Jun 14, 202465%
SONI11:13:46 Jun 14, 202462.5%
rashmi11211:08:09 Jun 14, 202447.5%
Manisha Thakur11:14:28 Jun 14, 202497.5%
Manisha Thakur11:01:07 Jun 14, 202462.5%
Sandeep Yadav08:29:44 Oct 19, 202265%
rohitchaubey77116:57:17 Jul 23, 202252.5%
nirajyadav334423:04:34 Jul 19, 202260%
nirajyadav334408:06:33 Jun 14, 202252.5%
Sandeep Yadav07:01:09 Apr 16, 202272.5%
Sandeep Yadav01:44:34 Apr 14, 202272.5%
Sandeep Yadav16:27:37 Mar 22, 202272.5%
Sandeep Yadav17:09:06 Mar 15, 202287.5%
Sandeep Yadav17:30:33 Mar 11, 202277.5%
Sandeep Yadav17:20:07 Mar 09, 202280%
Sandeep Yadav17:43:46 Mar 08, 202287.5%
Sandeep Yadav17:37:30 Mar 08, 202282.5%
Sandeep Yadav17:27:56 Mar 08, 202285%
Sandeep Yadav17:15:11 Mar 08, 202265%
Sandeep Yadav17:03:38 Mar 08, 202272.5%
Sandeep Yadav16:44:45 Mar 08, 202247.5%
Sandeep Yadav01:55:49 Feb 27, 202277.5%
Sandeep Yadav16:28:16 Feb 25, 202240%
Sandeep Yadav17:20:17 Feb 23, 202237.5%
Sandeep Yadav12:53:16 Feb 19, 202287.5%
Sandeep Yadav21:19:33 Feb 10, 202272.5%
Shalini Singh16:17:10 Jan 26, 202265%
Himanshu22:35:47 Jan 19, 202237.5%
RAMBALI PATEL18:01:14 Jan 15, 202270%
Sandeep Yadav09:44:39 Jan 14, 202265%
Sandeep Yadav09:26:54 Jan 14, 202282.5%
Amit Kumar patel22:05:24 Jan 13, 202272.5%
Amit Kumar patel21:38:34 Jan 13, 202265%
Monika13:19:18 Jan 12, 202275%
Sandeep Yadav02:55:54 Jan 11, 202287.5%
Sandeep Yadav20:36:22 Jan 10, 202280%
Sandeep Yadav20:23:23 Jan 10, 202255%
Swapnil verma20:22:57 Jan 10, 202240%
Ayush13:32:00 Jan 10, 202270%
chetanchauhan13:23:38 Jan 10, 202257.5%
Sandeep Yadav13:20:38 Jan 10, 202257.5%
Vikalp13:20:52 Jan 10, 202285%
SHARMA JI18:36:52 Jan 09, 202260%
SHARMA JI18:21:13 Jan 09, 202260%
amamjnp18:16:38 Jan 09, 202250%
Guest17:56:15 Jan 09, 202260%
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