Incidence and Adjacency

Incidence and Adjacency

let ex be an edge joining two vertices Vi and Vj then ex is said to be incident of Vi and Vj .

Two vertices are said to be adjacent if there exist an edge joining this vertices.


Incidence and Adjacency

where e1 is incident of V1 and V2 and V1&V2 are adjacent but V3 and V4 are not adjacent.

Degree & Vertex

The degree of vertex V in a graph G written as d(V) is equal to number of edges which are incident on V with self loop counted twice.


Degree & Vertex

Here, d(V1)=2








Isolated Vertex & Pendant Vertex

A vertex having o is called isolated vertex and a vertex having degree l is called pendant vertex.

finite and infinite graph

A graph with a finite number of vertices as well as edge is called finite graph otherwise it is a infinite graph.


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